Reaching young people where they are, on the Internet, has proven to be an extremely effective strategy toward increasing voter registration and turnout. Young people want to register and vote and we make it easy for them to do so. Over 90% of young people are using online social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram every day. We are mobilizing them to register and vote using wide-reaching and cost-effective paid advertising on Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, and other social networks, utilizing strategic social media influencers + micro-influencers, hosting incentive-based giveaways with celebrity partners, and deploying new tools.
212,000 young people registered to vote via digital programs that we ran and supported.
140 million impressions of our social media ads and influencer/micro-influencer campaigns that reminded young people to register to vote, request their ballot, vote early or vote on Election Day, and enabled them to find their polling location.
500,000 young people used a tool that we supported enabling them to learn whether their friends voted in previous elections.
500,000 young people checked their voter registration status.
481,000 young voters connected to a voter registration form, a ballot request form, or the location of their polling station.
75,000 connections between activists powered by our app.
62,000 young people used our tool to determine whether their vote would make a bigger difference in their home state, or the state in which they attend college.
30,000 individual active app users and hundreds of partners using our app to engage young activists.
15,000+ hours of volunteer shifts powered the TurnUp mobile app.