Helping Schools Create
Did you know, research studies have shown that all forms of civic engagement, including voting, are positively associated with subsequent income and education level, mental health, and health behaviors for adolescents? TurnUp wants to foster the resilience of its youth and of democracy by serving as a pipeline connecting young people to the polls, and that starts with registration and basic civics education.
When TurnUp makes a commitment to your school, we will work together to prepare your students to go forward as civically educated, competent and engaged members of our democracy!
We are thrilled that you will partner with us for a civics workshop or voter registration drive this fall and we would love to help you prepare for it! We are committed to provide all the necessary support and training required to execute a voter registration drive and to increase the civic readiness of your students.
Choose what your school is interested in:
Voter Registration Drives
Civics Engagement Workshops
Internship Programs with multiple civics tracks, including one focused on preparation and support for doing a registration drive
Your preferred time frame:
When would you like a registration drive or civics workshop to begin? (preparation is a month in advance). If you don't have an exact date, approximating is fine.
Basic Information about your school:
Demographics, Point of contact, Location